My make up bag (surprisingly it's not that heavy as it looks and it can fit right in my everyday bag) This includes all the makeup I need for retouching throughout the day. (If only all my stuff could fit in my bag, I'd throw it all in there. But since I'm limited, here are my essentials.)
Top, L-R: Laura Mercier Undercover Pot, Chanel Purete Mat, NARS Lipstick in Napoli
Middle L-R: Kleenex tissues (^_^), Benefit High Beam mini, Chapstick, NARS Lipgloss in Chihuahua, Bobbi Brown Pot Rouge in Powder Pink
Bottom: Clarins Instant Light Brush On Perfector (!!! HG MAKEUP !!!)
I'll try to do an individual review of the Clarins highlighter/concealer brush since it's the one makeup item I cannot live without. (For everyone who's familiar with the YSL Touche Eclat, I prefer Clarins by a huge stretch :D)
What's inside your makeup bag?
Hi! Love the Clarins! I have it and I use it mostly as a very subtle highlighter but I love it too! Really like your makeup bag too!